auf Deutsch en Français in Italiano Українською
The Lithuania Tribune, April 6, 2024
What is behind President Macron’s refusal to rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine? Is it a case of late conversion? After all, France’s president long cultivated dialogue with Vladimir Putin, arguing that Russia should not be humiliated, and only recently he was insisting that France was not at war with Russia. Sincerity is possible, but it seems likely that something else is at play.
The timing is no accident. The European elections are approaching and the polls do not look good. The French president’s party is polling at 18 or 19%, four points lower than in 2019, while Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National is expected to gain 5 or 6 points, reaching 28, 29 or even 30%. If the election were to reflect these predictions, the consequences in France would be relatively limited, given the French political system and with three years to go to the next presidential election. But the same would not be true at European level, where Macron’s position would be significantly weakened. Lire la suite