European security: an abiding illusion and the needs of our time

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GeoPolitica, November 9, 2020

High tensions between Greece and Turkey, chaos in Libya, the Syrian tragedy, annexation of the Crimea, occupation of the Donbass by Russia and its accomplices, state failure in the Sahel, Beijing’s creeping annexation of the South China Sea, the accelerating neo-Stalinist transformation of the Chinese regime, the proliferation of cyber attacks – all constitute threats to the security of the European Union.

At the same time, in spite of real political problems (the level of defense spending in its member states, the Turkish question, the USA’s shift in strategic priority towards the Pacific, etc.), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization continues to represent, with the armies of its member states and under American leadership, the central and essential component in the defense of the European continent. Lire la suite

Vitaly Markiv. Colpevole a prescindere

Il processo a Vitaly Markiv è l’esempio di tutti i difetti del giustizialismo italiano

di Carmelo Palma e Olivier Dupuis

Linkiesta, 29 Ottobre 2020

Il soldato italo-ucraino è stato condannato in primo grado a Pavia per l’omicidio del fotoreporter Andrea Rocchelli. L’intero processo però considera la prova della colpevolezza del soldato la sua stessa persona: perché, in quanto militare ucraino, sarebbe fascista per definizione

È in corso a Milano il processo di appello contro Vitaly Markiv, il cittadino italo-ucraino e soldato della Guardia Nazionale, condannato in primo grado a Pavia per l’omicidio di Andrea Rocchelli, fotoreporter italiano, morto insieme ad Andrej Mironov, dissidente russo e attivista per i diritti umani, e per il ferimento del fotografo francese William Roguelon, avvenuti il 24 maggio 2014 in una zona dell’Ucraina allora occupata da separatisti filorussi.

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Vitaly Markiv. Coupable quoi qu’il arrive

Le procès de Vitaly Markiv révèle les failles du système judiciaire italien.

Olivier Dupuis et Carmelo Palma

Linkiesta, 29 octobre 2020

Le soldat italo-ukrainien Vitaly Markiv a été condamné en première instance à Pavie (Italie) pour le meurtre du photojournaliste Andrea Rocchelli. Cependant, tout au long du procès, l’unique preuve de la culpabilité du soldat qui a été avancée repose sur un simple constat : en tant que soldat ukrainien, il serait forcément fasciste

Le procès en appel de Vitaly Markiv, citoyen italo-ukrainien et soldat de la Garde nationale de l’Ukraine, s’est ouvert à Milan. Il a été condamné en première instance à Pavie pour le meurtre d’Andrea Rocchelli, photojournaliste italien, et d’Andrej Mironov, dissident et défenseur des droits humains russe, ainsi que pour avoir blessé William Roguelon, photographe français, survenus le 24 mai 2014 dans une zone de l’Ukraine alors occupée par les séparatistes pro-russes.

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Stopping the war: the EU must recognize Nagorno-Karabakh

Far from the world’s attention, the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia is raging. The dispute is over Nagorno-Karabakh, a land historically populated by Armenians. Civilian and military casualties continue to pile up. Until now, the European Union, its member states, the United States and the other major democracies have remained silent or even washed their hands of the affair by opting for convenient neutrality between the two belligerents.

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