A Union or the sex of angels

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On 15 November last, Die Welt reported on the initiative of SPD members of the Bundestag for the creation of a 28th European army: a Common European Army.

Contrary to others who believe that the “Europe of Defence, which we thought unthinkable, we have done it”, Fritz Felgentreu and his colleagues consider that Europe still has a lot to do, and they provide a concrete outline of a way forward. The first merit of their proposal is doubtless that it shows unambiguously how the Union might achieve a real sharing of sovereignty in a particularly sensitive area, that of the common security of the 27. Their scenario proposes that this army should be common and “community-based”, meaning that it should come under the authority of the Union’s institutions and comprise European soldiers and not contingents from national armies. Another undeniable merit of their proposal is that it is both compatible with, and complementary to, an approach to European defence based on national armies and NATO membership, an idea brilliantly restated by German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in her recent speech at the Bundeswehr University in Hamburg. Lire la suite

Covid19. Uscire da un’ideologia politico-sanitaria inefficace e liberticida

Care amiche, cari amici della Direzione di +Europa,

vi scrivo prendendo spunto dalle sollecitazioni di Gianfranco nelle ultime due sedute della Direzione, che ha invitato tutti a parlare “di politica” e a guardare agli scenari esterni come guida del nostro dibattito. Dunque vi invio queste considerazioni su un punto “politico” che, secondo me, viene prima di tutti gli altri e che non riguarda, se non indirettamente, le nostre vicende interne, ma il modo di intendere il ruolo di una forza politica liberale nel nuovo contesto politico mondiale segnato dalla pandemia.

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Affaire Markiv: Giustizia è fatta

Ecco perché Vitaly Markiv è stato assolto per l’omicidio del fotoreporter Andrea Rocchelli

di Carmelo Palma e Olivier Dupuis

Linkiesta, 4 novembre 2020

Dopo 3 anni di detenzione, il militare è stato scarcerato su disposizione della Corte dʼAppello di Milano per non aver commesso il fatto. Una pagina felice non solo per il soldato italo-ucraino, ma anche per la magistratura italiana

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European security: an abiding illusion and the needs of our time

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GeoPolitica, November 9, 2020

High tensions between Greece and Turkey, chaos in Libya, the Syrian tragedy, annexation of the Crimea, occupation of the Donbass by Russia and its accomplices, state failure in the Sahel, Beijing’s creeping annexation of the South China Sea, the accelerating neo-Stalinist transformation of the Chinese regime, the proliferation of cyber attacks – all constitute threats to the security of the European Union.

At the same time, in spite of real political problems (the level of defense spending in its member states, the Turkish question, the USA’s shift in strategic priority towards the Pacific, etc.), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization continues to represent, with the armies of its member states and under American leadership, the central and essential component in the defense of the European continent. Lire la suite