F-16 для України: Відкритий лист Президенту Сполучених Штатів Америки Джозефові Р. Байдену

Auf Deutsch in English en Français en Español in Italiano po Polsku

Пане Президенте!

Насамперед ми хотіли б подякувати вам, Міністрові оборони Ллойдові Остіну, Державному секретареві Ентоні Блінкену, та широкій двопартійній коаліції в Конгресі за непохитну підтримку України і за лідерство, яке Сполучені Штати знову взяли на себе заради захисту фундаментальних принципів Статуту Організації Об’єднаних Націй. Як і Ви, ми віримо, що, як влучно висловився генерал Крістофер Каволі, «У цій війні Росія не може здобути перемоги, наше майбутнє цього просто не знесе.»

Ми часто хочеться, щоб допомога, яка надається Україні, була швидшою та масштабнішою. Однак ми добре розуміємо, що Ви володієте інформацією, якої в нас немає, і що Вам довелося багато працювати, щоб створити коаліцію Рамштайн і зробити її згуртованішою.

Сьогодні ми Вам пишемо, тому що стурбовані. Перед українськими збройними силами в найближчі місяці стоятиме величезне завдання. Є ризик невдач і часткових успіхів. І, як неодноразово нагадував нам генерал Марк Міллі, ніколи не слід недооцінювати військові можливості РФ. Іншими словами, немає гарантії, що війна не триватиме і після 2023 року.

Як відомо, Головнокомандувач Збройних сил України генерал Валерій Залужний і багато українських військових і політичних керівників уважають, що вирішальне значення для швидкого завершення війни має постачання західних літаків. А ще, як заявили Генеральний секретар НАТО Єнс Столтенберг та міністр закордонних справ Сполученого Королівства Джеймс Клеверлі, єдиною реальною гарантією безпеки України у середньостроковій та довгостроковій перспективі є її членство в Атлантичній організації, навіть якщо воно стане можливим лише наприкінці війни. Ми не сумніваємося, що з цього приводу формується широкий консенсус. Ми тієї думки, що держави, які заблокували цей процес у 2008 році на саміті НАТО в Бухаресті й, отже, несуть тепер серйозну відповідальність за війну, що триває, діятимуть обачно, аби не стати йому на заваді знову.

Ми свідомі того, що використання сучасних західних літаків вимагає ґрунтовної підготовки пілотів і складної логістики. Проте ми також знаємо, що українські військові, які мають потужну мотивацію, продемонстрували свою надзвичайну здатність до навчання.

Ваше схвалення як лідера коаліції «Рамштайн» і як президента держави, яка виробляє літаки F-16, що їх більш за все хоче одержати українське військове керівництво, має важливе значення.

Через шість місяців коаліція "Рамштайн" має бути в змозі ухвалити рішення – з огляду на військово-політичну ситуацію, що склалася, щодо постачання цих F-16 Вашою країною й тими європейськими країнами, які їх мають. Тому нам здається, що конче треба невідкладно ухвалити рішення про підготовку близько ста українських пілотів; сформувати логістичний ланцюжок, що його долучать до постачання близько ста літаків; встановити кількість літаків, які кожна держава-член НАТО могла б зрештою постачити восени 2023 року; і підготувати ці літаки.

Ми дякуємо Вам за те, що Ви робите все від Вас залежне для досягнення цих цілей найближчим часом, і просимо Вас, пане Президенте, прийняти наші запевнення в високій повазі –

Перші підписанти

Annely Akkermann, member of Parliament, former Minister of Finance, Estonia

Andrus Ansip, member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Estonia

Gert-Johannes Hagemann, Major General (ret.), German Army, Berlin, Germany

Willy Herteleer, Admiral (ret.), ex Belgian Chief of Defence

Anton Hofreiter, Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs of the Bundestag, Germany

Rasa Jukneviciené, Vice-President of the European Parliament, former Defence Minister, Lithuania

Roderich Kiesewetter, member of the Bundestag, representative of Foreign Affairs for the CDU/CSU-caucus, Germany

Andrius Kubilius, member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Lithuania

Vytautas Landsbergis, former President of the Republic of Lithuania

Pandeli Majko, former Prime Minister of Albania 

Marcos Perestrello, member of Parliament, Chair of the Defense Committee, Portugal 

Karel Schwarzenberg, former Foreign Affairs Minister and vice Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Kalev Stoicescu, member of Parliament, chairman of the National Defence Committee, Estonia

Jarosław Stróżyk, Brigadier General (ret.), Assistant Professor at the University of Wrocław, Poland 

Pekka Toveri, Major General (ret.), member of Parliament, Finland


Michael Aastrup Jensen, member of Parliament, Denmark

Cengiz Aktar, professor of Political Science at the University of Athens

Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet professor of EU Law, HEC Paris, Founder of The Good Lobby

Katarina Ammitzbøll, former member of Parliament, Denmark

Martin Andler, mathematician, professor emeritus at the University of Versailles-St-Quentin, France

Antoine Arjakovsky, director of Research, Collège des Bernardins, France

Olga Artyushkina, senior Lecturer HDR in Russian Grammar and Linguistics, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University

Anders Åslund, economist and former Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, Sweden

João Azevedo Castro, member of Parliament, Portugal

Christine Baron, professor of Comparative Literature, University of Poitiers, France

Kris Beckers, Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Belgium

Martine Benoit, professor of History of Ideas-German studies, University of Lille, France

Gérard Bensussan, philosopher, professor Emeritus at the University of Strasbourg, France

Florian Bieber, professor of Southeast European History and Politics, Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, Austria

Michał Bilewicz, associate professor of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland

Magdalena Błeńska, member of Parliament, Poland

Pierre Bouchat, assistant professor of social psychology at the University of Lorraine, France

Alain Bourges, videographer, writer, retired senior art teacher, Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne, Rennes, France

John Bowis, former member of the European Parliament, former member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom

Yordan Bozhilov, director of the Sofia Security Forum, former Deputy Defense Minister of Bulgaria 

Justina Budginaité-Froehly, political scientist, Germany 

Michel Caillouët, former Ambassador of the European Union, France

Enver Can, founding President of the Ilham Tohti Initiative, Germany 

Marco Cappato, former member of the European Parliament, Italy

Paulo Casaca, former member of the Portuguese Parliament, former member of the European Parliament

Leo M. Chalupa, professor, School of Medicine, George Washington University; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science”, USA

Peter Cmorej, member of Parliament, Slovakia 

Yves Cohen, historian, director of studies at EHESS, France

Dominique Colas, professor emeritus of Political Science, Sciences Po, Paris, France

Dorota Dakowska, professor of political science at Sciences Po Aix, France

Christophe D’Aloisio, researcher affiliated to the Research Institute Religions, Spiritualities, Cultures, Societies (RSCS, UCLouvain), director of the Institute of Orthodox Theology in Brussels, Belgium

Pierre d’Argent, professor of International Law, University of Louvain, member of the Institute of International Law, Belgium

Louis Daubresse, associate researcher at the Institut de Recherche sur le Cinéma et l’Audiovisuel and the Fondation Balzan, PhD in film and audiovisual studies, France

Julia David, associate member of the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History (CNRS/ENS), France

Mark Demesmaeker, senator, chair of the Committee of Transversal Affairs, Belgium

Sébastien Denis, professor, History & Film Studies, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France

Massimiliano Di Pasquale, associate researcher at the Gino Germani Foundation, Italy

Boris Dittrich, Senator, Netherlands

Jean-Marc Dreyfus, historian, lecturer at the University of Manchester, UK

André Dumoulin, honorary lecturer, University of Liege, Belgium

Olivier Dupuis, former member of the European Parliament, Belgium

Emmanuel Dupuy, president of the Institute for Prospective and Security in Europe (IPSE), France

Normunds Dzintars, member of Parliament, Latvia

Marc Elie, research fellow at the CNRS, Deputy Director of the Center for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies – Cercec, France

Nino Evgenidze, executive director Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC), Georgia

Marta Farion, president, Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation of America

Penelope Faulkner, vice-President of Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam, France

Andrej Findor, associate professor at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia 

Claude Forest, lecturer and researcher in economics and sociology of cinema at the Sorbonne Paris 3 University, France

Céline Gailleurd, lecturer, filmmaker, University of Paris 8

Natalia Gamalova, professor of Russian Language and Literature, Department of Slavic Studies, University of Lyon 3, France

Vitaliano Gemelli, former member of the European Parliament, Italy

Julie Gerber, doctor of Comparative Literature, lecturer at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France

Mridula Ghosh, senior Lecturer of International Relations, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy; Board Chair, East European Development Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

Thorniké Gordadzé, former Minister of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia, lecturer at Paris Institute of Political Studies, Sciences Po, France

Svetlana Gorshenina, historian, art historian, historiographer and specialist on Central Asia, director of research at CNRS Eur’Orbem, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France

Nicolas Gosset, defence analyst, research fellow Russia/Eurasia at the Royal Higher Institute for Defence, Brussels, Belgium

Iegor Gran, writer, France

Markéta Gregorova, member of the European Parliament, Czech Republic

Gustav Gressel, senior policy fellow with the Wider Europe Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations, Germany

Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse, professor, University of Warsaw, head of Department of European Union Policies at the Institute of European Studies, Editor-in-Chief of the International Analyses quarterly, Poland

Jarosław Gryz, professor at War Studies University, Poland

Jeanyves Guérin, professor of French literature at the Sorbonne nouvelle University, France

Fernando Adolfo Gutiérrez Díaz de Otazu, member of Parliament, Spain

Christophe Hansen, member of the European Parliament, Luxemburg

Atte Harjanne, member of Parliament, Finland

Rebecca Harms, former member of the European Parliament and Co-chair of the Green Parlamentary Group, Germany

Patrick Hassenteufel, professor of Political Science, Université Paris-Saclay (UVSQ), Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

Pavel Havlicek, research fellow at the Association for International Affairs (AMO), Czech Republic

Oleksandr Havrylenko, professor at the V. N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Thomas Heilmann, member of the Bundestag, Germany

Joseph Henrotin, research fellow at the Institut de Stratégie Comparée, Belgium/France 

Richard Herzinger, columnist, Berlin, Germany

Maryana Hnyp, professor of Social Ethics, Ateneo de Manila University; president of the European Network on Religion and Belief, Belgium

Marie Holzman, sinologist, president of Solidarité Chine

Ulrich Huygevelde, coordinator of the Center Géopolis, Belgium

Mārcis Jencītis, member of Parliament, Latvia

Mario Kadastik, member of Parliament, Estonia

Christian Kaunert, professor of International Security Policy, Dublin City University and University of South Wales

André Klarsfeld, deputy chair of the NPO “Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre !”, retired university professor, France

Jurģis Klotiņš, member of Parliament, Latvia

Miro Kollár, member of Parliament, Slovakia

Gašper Koprivsek, founder and director of Elysium Public Affairs, Slovenia

Andrey Kovatchev, member of the European Parliament, Bulgaria

Philip Krämer, member of the Bundestag, Germany

Péter Krekó, senior lecturer and director of the Political Capital Institute, Political Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Eerik-Niiles Kross, member of Parliament, former Director of Intelligence, Estonia

Yauheni Kryzhanouski, researcher, University of Strasbourg, associate professor at European Humanities University, Vilnius

Robert Kwiatkowski, member of Parliament, Poland

Per Larsen, member of Parliament, Denmark

Gérard Lauton, emeritus assistant professor, member of the NPO « Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre ! », France

Diogo Leão, member of Parliament, Portugal

Aurélie Ledoux, lecturer, film studies, University of Paris Nanterre, France

Mathieu Lericq, Lecturer, Film studies, University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France

Ophir Levy, associate professor, Film Studies, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France

Šarūnas Liekis, professor of Politics and dean of the Faculty of Politics and Diplomacy at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Jarno Limnell, member of Parliament, Finland

Sylvie Lindeperg, professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and emeritus member of the Institut Universitaire de France

Jonathan Littell, writer, Goncourt Prize, France

Ramon Loik, security politics analyst, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, former adviser to the Estonian Minister of Defense

Raimundas Lopata, member of Parliament, director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University, Lithuania

Mihhail Lotman, former member of Parliament, professor emeritus at the Tallinn University, professor at the University of Tartu, Estonia

Lubomyr Luciuk, professor of Political Science and Economics, Royal Military College of Canada 

Jaak Madison, member of the European Parliament, Estonia 

Paul Robert Magocsi, permanent fellow, Royal Society of Canada—Academy of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 

Damien Marguet, associate professor, co-Head of Film Studies Department, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France 

Jean Mariani, professor emeritus, Neurosciences and Gerosciences, Faculty of Medicine Sorbonne University, France

Alain Maskens, physician, oncologist, founder and former medical coordinator of the European Organization for Cooperation in Cancer Prevention Studies (ECP), Belgium

Marie-Claude Maurel, director of Studies at EHESS – École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Centre d’études russe, caucasien et centre-européen, France

Frédéric Mauro, lawyer at the Brussels bar, associate researcher at the Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS), Paris, France

Rachel Mazuy, Associate researcher at the Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent, lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, France

Alvydas Medalinskas, political analyst, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, former chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lithuanian Parliament

Alexandre Melnik, professor at ICN Business School, expert and consultant in geopolitics, France

Nona Mikhelidze, senior fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome, Italy

Emmanuel Morucci, doctor in Sociology, president of CECI (Cercle Europe Citoyennetés et identités), France

Alexander Motyl, professor of political science, Rutgers University-Newark, United States

Boris Najman, associate professor and researcher in Economics at University Paris East Créteil

Laure Neumayer, political scientist, lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and senior researcher at the European Centre for Sociology and Political Science in Paris, France

Olevs Nikers, president of the Baltic Security Foundation, Latvia

Alexis Nuselovici, professor of General and Comparative Literature at the University of Aix-Marseille, France 

Lydia Obolensky, professor of Russian Language and Literature, Belgium 

Ong Thong Hoeung, writer, survivor of the Khmer Rouge re-education camps, Belgium 

Peter Osuský, vice-chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovakian Parliament

Doris Pack, president of EPP Women, president of the Robert Schuman Institute, former member of the European Parliament and the Bundestag, Germany

Carmelo Palma, journalist, Director of Strade-on-line, Italy 

Franck Petiteville, professor of Political Science, Grenoble Institute of Political Studies, France

Jan Pieklo, Polish ambassador to Ukraine (2016-2019)

Nicoletta Pirozzi, head of EU Programme and Institutional Relations Manager at Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy 

Andrzej Podraza, professor, head of the Chair of International Relations and Security, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland; visiting fellow, University of Notre Dame, USA

Henn Põlluaas, member of Parliament, Estonia

Bohdan Prots, associate professor, Danube-Carpathian Programme and State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

Jean-Paul Pylypczuk, director of the publication « La parole ukrainienne », France

Eva Quistorp, theologian, writer, former member of the European Parliament, Berlin, Germany

Pierre Raiman, secretary of the NPO “Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre !”, France

Christian Rocca, Linkiesta Editorial Director, Italy

Sylvie Rollet, emeritus professor, chairwoman of the NPO « Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre ! »

Bronis Ropé, member of the European Parliament, Lithuania

Marie-Claude San Juan, writer and blogger, France

Andrei Sannikov, chairman of the European Belarus Foundation. Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus (1995-1996), presidential candidate 2010, former Prisoner of Consciousness

Anton Shekhovtsov, director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity, Austria

Vasile Simileanu, Director, Senior Editor, GeoPolitica Magazine, Romania

Sjoerd Sjoerdsma, member of Parliament, Netherlands

Ivan Štefanec, member of the European Parliament, Slovakia

Wally Struys, professor emeritus, defence economist, Royal Military Academy, Belgium

Raúl Suevos, colonel (ret), former director of communication at the Eurocorps and former commander of the multinational HQ Battalion of Eurocorps, Spain

Marcin Święcicki, former Minister of Foreign Economic Co-operation, former mayor of Warsaw, Poland

Igor Taro, member of Parliament, Estonia

Ewa M. Thompson, professor of Slavic Studies Emerita, Rice University, USA

Nathalie Tocci, honorary professor at the University of Tübingen, director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy

Patrizia Tosini, associate professor of History of Modern Art, Roma Tre University, Italy

Florian Trauner, Jean Monnet chair at the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), visiting professor at the College of Europe, Belgium 

Andreas Umland, analyst at the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies

Jacques Vallin, director of research Emeritus, INED, Condorcet Campus, France

Karl Vanlouwe, member of the Flemish Parliament, Senator, Belgium

Maïrbek Vatchagaev, Chechen historian and political analyst of the North Caucasus at the Jamestown Foundation, co-editor of the journal “Caucasus Survey” 

Sarah Whitmore, reader in Politics, Faculty Research Ethics Officer, School of Social Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom

Kataryna Wolczuk, professor of Political science, Centre for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies (CREES), School of Government, University of Birmingham, UK

Miroslav Žiak, former member of Parliament, Slovakia

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